For fast Dental Loupe & LED repair
call: 941-584-7905
Quick Turnaround. All Repairs Guaranteed.

As of May 1, 2024 - Current lead time:

 7-10 days plus shipping time 




Please note: We no longer repair "Through the Lens" loupes

   LED Light Repair


LED light repair, or buy a complete new device, the choice is yours and so is the money you save

When your LED headlight functions intermittently it is very frustrating. When a device falls, or the cable is hooks on something, not only can it cause a variety of issues, such as the inability to adjust intensity level, or flickering, or low intensity, but also puts your loupes at risk for damage. Sometimes a unit suddenly just stops working for no apparent reason. These are just a couple examples of common problems resulting in an inexpensive repair.

Frequently, people believe, or are told: “There is no possible way to fix your LED”  as a result they buy an needless costly assembly or worse yet, are talked into a totally unnecessary & expensive system, only later to find out the quality of the new device is not nearly as good as their original.


FACT: many LEDs last about 50,000 hours or 15-20 years normal use.

Restoration or replacement of the cable, jack, or other single component is an alternative to the high cost of a complete new system, but makes sense. Best of all its done in just a couple days.

We hear from individuals who send their equipment back to where they purchased it. Many wait weeks for a response, only to be shocked by the cost estimate and as a result they contact us. Regularly we find some of the repairs quoted are not necessary, and many times all that’s needed is a simple quick fix. Hence your back and running not only a lot faster but also for a lot less than expected.

Are you are experiencing a problem, & interested in having it corrected rather than purchasing an entire unnecessary system,  Contact us. Discussing your devices issue, in addition to Diagnostics / Repair estimates are always free. Something to consider versus the high cost of a replacement.

Routinely we repair devices by many different manufacturers. They include:  Designs for Vision, Leica, Lumineer, Orascoptic, Surgitel, Heine, Zeiss, and more. Similarly some of the most popular LED’s models are; Eclipse, Sunburst, Day-Lite, KD-200, High-Q, Brasseler, Discovery, Apollo, Endeavour, Odyssey, Starburst, Infinity, VE, Nano, Solaris, and many others.





Welch Allyn